Because of the recent murders committed by a Korean immigrant, much discussion in the media surrounds gun control, violence on campus, and mentally ill people.
Virtually no discussion, needless to say, surrounds immigration and violent crime.
Good data on immigrants and crime is notoriously hard to get. But health statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) help. In a nutshell: they show that the Hispanic population engages in a high level of violent behavior. Young Asians generally behave much like their non-Hispanic, white counterparts—with the possible exception of some young males.
The government numbers come from vital statistics collected at the local level. Sometimes mistakes occur in reporting Hispanic ethnicity, especially on death certificates. Nevertheless, the numbers are consistent and plentiful so that conclusions can be drawn.
Death by homicide is my first data set. Why do I look at the victims and not the perpetrators? Because death certificates contain reasonably reliable information about race and ethnicity. And, generally speaking, people murder their own people—as the numbers will show.
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In the CDC report, “Deaths:Leading Causes for 2003,” homicide is listed as the 7th leading cause of death among Hispanics; 21st for non-Hispanic whites and 6th for non-Hispanic blacks. For Asian/Pacific Islanders, homicide is not among the top ten causes of death.
This is somewhat misleading however, as Hispanics are younger than the white and black populations. When adjusted for age, blacks have the highest homicide rate, followed by Hispanics, Native Americans, then Asians and, last, whites.
The highest rates of death by homicide occur among men aged 20 to 24. The table (above) ranks these deaths by rate of homicides per 100,000 in each specified group.
Black males, from ages 20 to 24, are murdered at a rate ten times higher than are their white peers, Hispanic males at a rate five times higher than their white peers, and Asians at twice the rate of their white peers.
Clearly, black men are murdering other black men, since they have high rates of both crime and victimhood. Also, note that in this age group, homicides account for 42 percent of black male deaths and 28 percent of Hispanic male deaths. Horrifying.
Among females, the death by homicide rates are as follows: blacks—14 per 100,000 population; Hispanics—5.9; whites—2.4. The rates for Asians and Native Americans were not given because they were statistically insignificant.
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Men are highly likely to be the murderers in these cases. In other age groups, homicide rates for whites and Asians are more similar.
Last, for the littlest people, ages one to four, 13.3 percent of deaths among black babies resulted from murder.Among Hispanics, 8.3 percent of babies’ deaths were murder, and among whites, 4.8 percent.
My second data set: Another big killer among males is accidents. For men from the ages of 25 to 34, the death rate range for accidents is consistent in all groups except among Asians, where the rate is very low: Asians—14.2; Hispanics—45.4; blacks—48.4 and whites—49.5 per 100,000 population.
From this one might conclude that young men are a danger to themselves and if in cars, a danger to others as well.
A third data set: In another publication of the CDC, “Health, United States, 2006,” Table 47 gives the death rates for firearms. These are not necessarily hostile deaths. For example, white males over the age of 65 have a rate of 25.6 deaths per 100,000 while black males of the same age group have a rate of 14.6. But this is a non-aggressive age group and these deaths are more likely to be accidents or suicides rather than assaults. Homicide is not among the top ten causes of death for older men. but death by accident is.
Might white men be having hunting accidents? Hmm, beware of Dick Cheney!
For young men, however, the death rates suggest that the firearm deaths were a subset of homicides as they correlate to the homicide rates. For the age group 15 to 24 years, the rates were as follows: blacks (who may be Hispanic)—80.7 per 100,000 population; Hispanics—32.4; whites—14.3 and Asians—8.8.
Older men have their issues as well. Death caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis is most common among men ages 55 to 64 years old. The rate of death per 100,000 population is Hispanics—62.2; Native Americans—53.7; blacks—41.2; whites—30.8; and Asians—9.7.
My conclusion: The fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population is Hispanic. Not only is the number driven by immigrants moving here, but also Hispanic immigrant women now account for almost one quarter of annual births. Moreover, Hispanics account for much of the rise in the number of poor people.
And in “Health, United States, 2006,” Table 3 shows the change in the number of children in families headed by females with no spouse present. Between 1990 and 2004, the number of children in these households declined by 231,000. All groups declined—the number of black children declining by 591,000—except Hispanics. The number of poor Hispanic children increased by 523,000. This is, literally, a breeding ground for trouble.
Many noted authorities have written about the problems associated with the poor, especially in female-headed households. Daniel Patrick Moynihan andOscar Lewis are two well-known authorities. Another sobering social history is by David T. Courtwright,“Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder from the Frontier to the Inner City.” Courtwright states on page 241: “For someone who is purportedly missing, the absent father is everywhere in the literature of ghetto social problems.”
Hispanic women, both immigrant and native, have a high rate of illegitimate births and the numbers are rising for all women, not just Hispanics. Moreover, 20 percent of births to native-born Hispanics are to teenagers.
Murder and mayhem are just some of the problems our country can anticipate from importing these Third World people who do not succeed in an industrialized society.
Immigration policy is creating a new underclass. ■