Why Is Facebook Protecting Mexican Child Molesters? ...and censoring law-abiding citizens for reporting illegal alien crimes

By Dave Gibson
Volume 29, Number 1 (Fall 2018)
Issue theme: "Sanctuary Nation - The Fraying of America"

During the last week of August 2018, Sedwin Osmel-Vasquez Carrillo, 28, and Elder Rene Carrillo-Cruz, 26, were arrested by the Kentucky State Police, when an undercover investigation revealed that the pair of illegal aliens were using Facebook Messenger to share child pornographic images.Both suspects were living in Shelbyville, Kentucky, at the time of their arrest.

They were charged with possession or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor and distribution of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor.

Upon questioning, both Carrillo-Cruz and Carrillo admitted to distributing child pornography.

Of course, many of us are now very familiar with Facebook’s so-called “community standards” and being put into what is commonly referred to as “Facebook jail,” or having your page deleted altogether, when one “violates” these standards. However, this seems somehow to only apply to conservative, pro-Trump, or anti-illegal immigration pages.

There are currently several “Antifa” pages on Facebook which openly promote violence against the right, as well as “Black Lives Matter” pages which regularly stir up hatred against the police, and even post messages offering support to Palestinian terrorists.1, 2

Obviously, these “community standards” are purely political, and are nothing more than a way of censoring conservatives and basically anyone who wants the rule of law restored for this nation.

However, you would likely think that the distribution of child pornography would be a “violation” of Facebook’s “community standards,” regardless of where one stands politically. But, you would be wrong…

More than two weeks after his arrest, Sedwin Carrillo (you know, “a Shelbyville man”) still had multiple Facebook accounts open.3

Disturbingly, many of Carrillo’s photos include himself surrounded by children.

Killing the messenger

During the first few weeks of July 2018, Facebook suspended the U.S. Illegal Alien Crime Reports (USIACR)’s account twice, all the while, claiming that this reporter had “ violated Facebook’s community standards.”

By then, the page had been up for more than three years, and never publishes blurbs, nor article titles which contain profanity, nudity, threatening language, nor any other type of obscenity (other than reporting on the obscene crimes which are being committed by illegal aliens across this nation).

Nevertheless, open-borders billionaire Mark Zuckerberg had his crack staff of H-1B Visa workers combing through the page’s posts, in search of “violations.” Initially, these anti-free speech zealots presented USIACR with about a dozen posts, which they claim are unacceptable. Again, they contained no profanity, just the word “Mexican.”

The last one, which landed the page’s publisher (Dave Gibson) in “Facebook jail” for three days, with the promise of “another seven days,” and an “even longer suspension” after that, if I failed to accept Zuckerberg’s re-education doctrine, read “Mexican men see this country as nothing more than a hunting ground for our children.” The article was about yet another illegal alien from Mexico who had raped a child.

As a result of researching the subject of crimes committed by foreign nationals for the last 15 years, it was discovered that the age of sexual consent throughout the majority of Mexico, including Mexico City, itself, is only 12 (as stated by Article 261 of Mexico’s Federal Criminal Code), and publishing more than 1,000 pieces on the subject, I do believe that illegal alien men from Mexico see our children as easy prey, particularly in light of the fact that this nation has not enforced its immigration laws in decades.4

Considering the hyper-misogynistic culture that exists in Mexico, and the fact that women and children are regularly victimized by sexual predators, with basically no help from corrupt Mexican authorities, it is not much of a leap to believe that these men who cross our border illegally retain that same barbaric mentality when they arrive (or are welcomed) in our “sanctuary cities.”

Of course, facts have no place in the left-wing narrative that seems to be the order of the day among those who run social media.

Back to Zuckerberg’s campaign against USIAC

As stated earlier, the Facebook page had, at this point, been up for more than three years, coinciding with the website itself.5

But, on June 22, 2018, “Angel Mom,” Mary Ann Mendoza, gave a shout-out to the website during a press conference with President Trump on illegal immigration.

Though the website had been enjoying healthy growth since it came online, the ensuing (and welcome) traffic to the site exploded.

Since then, “undocumented columnist” Dana Milbank of The Washington Post, has called this writer a “white supremacist,” a “racist,” and somehow, in his own twisted sense of “creative journalism,” even managed to link me to the Holocaust.

All of this national attention brought thousands of new followers to the website, as well as to the Facebook page, and more Americans have been educated on the ongoing, often tragic invasion of this country.

So Facebook, as with seemingly all large tech companies, undoubtedly put their foreign-born slave-labor force into action (oh, sorry, Indian H-1B workers, who are paid a third of what their American counterparts make) to harass and squash the truth about just what illegal aliens are doing to this country…destroying it! Oh, yes, and raping and murdering our children, killing our police officers, driving drunk on our roads, and pushing Mexican meth in our cities as well.

Apparently, Zuckerberg finds “Mexican” a pejorative term. That is, unless someone is posting articles about all of the mythical “doctors” and “microbiologists” who will undoubtedly “save our country” after crossing the border with 75-pound packs of drugs on their backs.

Since Zuckerberg worships at the altar of socialism and open-borders, I would ask that this “limousine-liberal” open his 700-acre, walled Hawaiian estate which he shares with his lovely wife and children, to as many “immigrants” (aka illegal aliens) as he can fit on the property (or doesn’t he think his family would be safe surrounded by all of those wonderful “immigrants”?).

A property, which this self-proclaimed “human rights activist” initially tried to obtain through filing lawsuits against hundreds of native Hawaiians by forcing the sale of their land. But, hey, you can do that sort of thing when you are worth $76 billion, and have the Obamas and the “deep state” media on your side.6

In conclusion, this American would ask, that you either drop your one-sided “freedom of speech” rule, or…Mr. Zuckerberg, tear down that wall! 


1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AntifaUK/

2. https://www.facebook.com/BlackLivesMatter/

3. https://www.facebook.com/sedwin.carrillo.1

4. http://mexico.justia.com/federales/codigos/codigo-penal-federal/libro-segundo/titulo-decimoquinto/capitulo-i/

5. http://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com/

6. http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/news/2017/02/26/facebooks-zuckerberg-officially-drops-hawaii-quiet.html

About the author

Dave Gibson, a former legislative aide to a Virginia state senator, has been working as a freelance writer for many years. His work has been published in many newspapers and magazines, including the Washington Times.